开发超常视力:凝视未来赵小琴译Since the late19th century,people自19世纪后期以来,视 with imperfect vision have been able力不佳的人们便可通过佩戴 to use contact lenses to improve their隐形眼镜来提高他们的视 eyesight.In the early days these lenses力。在其问世之初,隐形眼 were made of glass and could perform镜是由玻璃制成的,仅可用 only simple visual corrections.Now于简单的视力矫正。如今的 they are usually made of plastic and隐形眼镜则通常由塑料制 can be moulded into the more complex成,而且可被塑造成较为复 shapes appropriate to those who suf-杂的形状,以满足散光患者 fer from astigmatism or who require和需要远近视两用眼镜的人 bifocals.They can also be tinted,for群。还有着了色的隐形眼 people who wish to change the colour镜,可以满足人们改变眼睛 of their eyes.Yet the main purpose颜色的愿望。然而即便是最 of even the most sophisticated contact尖端的隐形眼镜,仍然保持 lens remains what it always has been:着其以往的效用:提高佩戴 to improve a person’S sight.That is者的视力。不过这一效用即气×’te7口e7口e70e7口e7譬e7口e7譬e7口e70e/口C7口e70C/口e/口e/啦7口e/口e7口e7口e/口C/口e7口e/口C/口e/口C7口e/∞ messages through their thoughts alone.It would probably require electrodes to be attached inside the skull or even implanted in the brain.Dr.James admitted that this opened up many ethical problems.“In30 years。you711 think of a message andIt will appear on your wife’S mobile phone,”saidDr.IanPearson,a futurologist who follows trends in advanced computing and corn— munications.“But for that thought to appear in someone else’S mind?That won’t be easy.”厂]是可能的。这也许需要将电极贴在颅骨内,或者甚至将其植入大脑。詹姆斯博士承认,这类做法曾经引发了许多伦理方面的问题。研究先进计算及通讯技术发展趋势的未来学家伊恩·皮亚逊博士说:“30年后,只要你想出一条信息来,它就会显示在你妻子的手机上。但要把想法传递到他人的大脑中呢?那可不是件容易事儿。”■(FromTheSundavTimes)about to change.Researchers at theUniversity ofWashington,inSeattle,led byBabakParviz,have incorporated electronic circuitry into a plastic lens,including1ight—emitting diodes(LEDs)for“on- eye”displays,transistors for compu— ting,a radio for wireless communica— tion and an antenna for collecting power from a radio source,such as a mobile phone,in a person’S pocket.Making a“smart”lens like this iS not easy.Electronic components are usually manufactured at temperatures which would melt plastic and are made of materials that do not naturally adhere to a contact1ens’S plastic.Dr.Parviz and his colleagues have there— fore designed a1ens that iS peppered with small wells,ten microns deep, that are connected by a network of tiny metal wires.Each well iS sculptedSO that a component of a particular shape will fit snugly into it and,at its bottom.it contains a small amount of an alloy with a low melting-point.In addition.wells that will accommodateLEDs must be fitted with microlenses to focus the light from theLED in a way that the eye can cope with.The components are manufactured individually and suspended in a liquid.This suspension iS then washed over the1ens。allowing the components to blunder into holes of the appropriate shape,where they stay put.The alloy is then gently heated,melting the alloy and connecting the components to the将发生变化。在巴巴克·帕尔维兹的带领下,西雅图华盛顿大学的研究人员已将电子线路成功植入隐形眼镜。植入的电路系统包括用于镜片显示器的发光二极管(I正Ds),用于计算的晶体管,用于无线通讯的无线电,以及一根天线,用于从射电源——比如某人口袋里的移动电话——获取电能。制作如此“聪明”的镜片并非易事。因为电子元件通常在较高的温度下加工而成,这样的温度会将塑料熔化;而且电子元件的材料也不会自然附着于隐形眼镜的塑料材质。因此,帕尔维兹博士与同事们设计了一种布满小孔的镜片,这些小孔深10微米,由一系列极小的金属丝连结成网。每个小孔都被塑造成一定的形状,这样具有特定形状的电子元件便可与之吻合;在每个小孔的底部,还有少量的低熔点合金。此外,安放发光二极管的 q-,a!L还必须装有微型透镜,以便在眼睛可以承受的范围内集中二极管所发出的光线。各种电子元件均单独加工而成,并悬浮在一种液体当中。之后,该悬浮液被泼到镜片表面,使液体中的元件滑入与之吻合的小孔,并留在其中。接着,对孔中的合金施以低热,合金被熔化,将电子元件连接至金属丝,并由此使2009年第11期总第347期27
文章来源:《电子元件与材料》 网址: http://www.dzyjyclzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0709/721.html